- class notif.notificator.Notificator(on_error_sleep_time: int)[source]
Abstract class to define a notificator. Force implementation of method send_notification and specify how to send a notification error.
- Parameters
on_error_sleep_time (int) – When an error occurs for the sending of the notification, it will wait this time to retry one more time. Time is in seconds.
Slack Notificator
- class notif.notificator.SlackNotificator(webhook_url: str, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120)[source]
Notificator to send a notification into a Slack channel.
- Parameters
notif = SlackNotificator(webhook_url="webhook_url") notif.send_notification("The script is finish")
- send_notification(message: str, subject: Optional[str] = None) None [source]
Send a notification message to the webhook URL.
- Parameters
message (str) – The message to send as a notification message to the webhook URL.
subject (str) – The subject of the notification. If None, the default message ‘Python script Slack notification’ is used. Note that the subject is formatted, the text is bolded and a new line is appended after the subject creates a ‘title’ effect. Default is None.
Email Notificator
- class notif.notificator.EmailNotificator(sender_email: str, sender_login_credential: str, destination_email: str, smtp_server: smtplib.SMTP, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120)[source]
Notificator to send a notification email.
- Parameters
sender_email (str) – The email of the sender.
sender_login_credential (str) – The login credential of the sender email.
destination_email (str) – The recipient of the email can be the same as the sender_email.
smtp_server (smtplib.SMTP) – The SMTP server to relay the email.
on_error_sleep_time (int) – When an error occurs for the sending of a notification, it will wait this time (in seconds) to retry one more time. Default is 120 sec.
Using gmail server:
sender_email = "my_email" sender_login_credential = "my_password" destination_email = sender_email smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) notif = EmailNotificator(sender_email, sender_login_credential, destination_email, smtp_server) notif.send_notification(message="text")
Using hotmail server:
sender_email = "my_email" sender_login_credential = "my_password" destination_email = "other_email" smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) notif = EmailNotificator(sender_email, sender_login_credential, destination_email, smtp_server) notif.send_notification(message="text")
Channel Notificator
- class notif.notificator.ChannelNotificator(channel_url: str, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120)[source]
Wrapper around notify_run to send a notification to a phone or a desktop. Can have multiple devices in the channel.
- Parameters
notif = ChannelNotificator(channel_url="") notif.send_notification('Hi there!')