Source code for notif.notificator

import json
import smtplib
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from time import sleep
from typing import Union

    import requests
except ImportError:
    requests = None

    from notify_run import Notify as ChannelNotify
except ImportError:
    ChannelNotify = None

    import pymsteams
except ImportError:
    pymsteams = None

[docs]class Notificator(ABC): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Abstract class to define a notificator. Force implementation of method `send_notification` and specify how to send a notification error. Args: on_error_sleep_time (int): When an error occurs for the sending of the notification, it will wait this time to retry one more time. Time is in seconds. """ def __init__(self, on_error_sleep_time: int): self.on_error_sleep_time = on_error_sleep_time self._sending_method = None self._sending_payload = None # The default raised error type are HTTPError since most of the error raise are of these type. self._raised_error_type = requests.exceptions.HTTPError
[docs] @abstractmethod def send_notification(self, message: str, subject: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Abstract method to send a notification. Args: message (str): The message to send as a notification message through the notificator. subject (str): The subject of the notification. If None, the default message is use. By default, None. """
def _send_notification(self): # pylint: disable=not-callable try: self._sending_method(**self._sending_payload) except self._raised_error_type: warnings.warn( f"Error when trying to send notification. Will retry in {self.on_error_sleep_time} seconds.", Warning, ) sleep(self.on_error_sleep_time) try: self._sending_method(**self._sending_payload) except self._raised_error_type: warnings.warn( "Second error when trying to send notification, will abort sending message.", Warning, )
[docs] def send_notification_error(self, error: Exception) -> None: """ Send a notification error message through the notificator, used with the wrapper. Args: error (Exception): The exception raise during the script execution. """ notification_error_message = self._parse_error(error) self.send_notification(message=notification_error_message)
@abstractmethod def _format_subject(self, subject_message: str) -> str: """ Abstract class to format a subject to create a 'title'. Args: subject_message (str): The message to format. Return: A formatted subject message. """ @staticmethod def _parse_error(error: Exception) -> str: """ Format the error into a readable text. Args: error (Exception): The exception raise during the script execution. Return: A formatted string base on the error message and error type. """ error_type = type(error) error_message = error.args[0] formatted_error_message = f"An error of type {error_type} occurred. An the error message is {error_message}" return formatted_error_message
[docs]class SlackNotificator(Notificator): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Notificator to send a notification into a Slack channel. Args: webhook_url (str): a webhook URL given by Slack to post content into a channel. See `here <>`_ for more detail. on_error_sleep_time (int): When an error occurs for the sending of a notification, it will wait this time (in seconds) to retry one more time. Default is 120 sec. Example: .. code-block:: python notif = SlackNotificator(webhook_url="webhook_url") notif.send_notification("The script is finish") """ def __init__(self, webhook_url: str, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120): super().__init__(on_error_sleep_time) if requests is None: raise ImportError("Package requests need to be installed to use this class.") self.webhook_url = webhook_url self.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"} self.default_subject_message = "Python script Slack notification" self._sending_method = def _format_subject(self, subject_message: str) -> str: """ We use Markdown formatting as specified in Slack `documentation <>`_. """ return f"*{subject_message}*\n"
[docs] def send_notification(self, message: str, subject: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Send a notification message to the webhook URL. Args: message (str): The message to send as a notification message to the webhook URL. subject (str): The subject of the notification. If None, the default message 'Python script Slack notification' is used. Note that the subject is formatted, the text is bolded and a new line is appended after the subject creates a 'title' effect. Default is None. """ subject = subject if subject is not None else self.default_subject_message subject = self._format_subject(subject) message = subject + message payload_message = {"text": message} self._sending_payload = { "url": self.webhook_url, "data": json.dumps(payload_message), "headers": self.headers, } self._send_notification()
[docs]class EmailNotificator(Notificator): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Notificator to send a notification email. Args: sender_email (str): The email of the sender. sender_login_credential (str): The login credential of the sender email. destination_email (str): The recipient of the email can be the same as the sender_email. smtp_server (smtplib.SMTP): The SMTP server to relay the email. on_error_sleep_time (int): When an error occurs for the sending of a notification, it will wait this time (in seconds) to retry one more time. Default is 120 sec. Examples: Using gmail server:: sender_email = "my_email" sender_login_credential = "my_password" destination_email = sender_email smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) notif = EmailNotificator(sender_email, sender_login_credential, destination_email, smtp_server) notif.send_notification(message="text") Using hotmail server:: sender_email = "my_email" sender_login_credential = "my_password" destination_email = "other_email" smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) notif = EmailNotificator(sender_email, sender_login_credential, destination_email, smtp_server) notif.send_notification(message="text") """ def __init__( self, sender_email: str, sender_login_credential: str, destination_email: str, smtp_server: smtplib.SMTP, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120, ) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments super().__init__(on_error_sleep_time) self.sender_email = sender_email self.destination_email = destination_email self.smtp_server = smtp_server # login and TTLS connection self.smtp_server.starttls() self.smtp_server.login(self.sender_email, sender_login_credential) self.default_subject_message = "Python script notification email" self._sending_method = smtp_server.sendmail # The raised error are of a different type then the default HTTPError self._raised_error_type = smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused def _format_subject(self, subject_message: str) -> str: """ None since subject is the subject of the email. """ pass def send_notification(self, message: str, subject: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Send a notification message to the destination email. Args: message (str): The message of the email. subject (str): The subject of the email. If None, the default message 'Python script notification email' is used. Default is None. """ subject = subject if subject is not None else self.default_subject_message content = f"Subject: {subject}\n\n{message}" self._sending_payload = { "from_addr": self.sender_email, "to_addrs": self.destination_email, "msg": content, } self._send_notification() def __del__(self): self.smtp_server.quit()
[docs]class ChannelNotificator(Notificator): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Wrapper around notify_run to send a notification to a phone or a desktop. Can have multiple devices in the channel. Args: channel_url (str): A channel_rul created on ` <>`. on_error_sleep_time (int): When an error occurs for the sending of a notification, it will wait this time (in seconds) to retry one more time. Default is 120 sec. Example: .. code-block:: python notif = ChannelNotificator(channel_url="") notif.send_notification('Hi there!') """ def __init__(self, channel_url: str, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120) -> None: super().__init__(on_error_sleep_time) if ChannelNotify is None: raise ImportError("Package notify_run need to be installed to use this class.") self.notifier = ChannelNotify(endpoint=channel_url) self.default_subject_message = "Python script notification" self._sending_method = self.notifier.send def _format_subject(self, subject_message: str) -> str: """ We use a similar logic as Markdown formatting as specified to highlight the subject. """ return f"**{subject_message}**\n" def send_notification(self, message: str, subject: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Send a notification message to the channel. Args: message (str): The message to send as a notification message to the channel. subject (str): The subject of the notification. If None, the default message 'Python script notification' is used. Note that subject are formatted, the text is surrounded with '*' and a new line is appended after the subject creates a 'title' effect. Default is None. """ subject = subject if subject is not None else self.default_subject_message subject = self._format_subject(subject) message = subject + message self._sending_payload = {"message": message} self._send_notification()
[docs]class TeamsNotificator(Notificator): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Notificator to send a notification into a Microsoft Teams channel. Args: webhook_url (str): A webhook URL given by Microsoft Teams to post content into a channel. See `this <>`_ for more detail. on_error_sleep_time (int): When an error occurs for the sending of a notification, it will wait this time (in seconds) to retry one more time. Default is 120 sec. Example: .. code-block:: python notif = TeamsNotificator(webhook_url="webhook_url") notif.send_notification("The script is finish") """ def __init__(self, webhook_url: str, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120): super().__init__(on_error_sleep_time) if pymsteams is None: raise ImportError("Package pymsteams need to be installed to use this class.") self.teams_hook = pymsteams.connectorcard(webhook_url) self.default_subject_message = "Python script Teams notification" self._sending_method = self._wrapper_send # The raised error are of a different type then the default HTTPError self._raised_error_type = pymsteams.TeamsWebhookException def _wrapper_send(self, message: str) -> None: self.teams_hook.text(message) self.teams_hook.send() def _format_subject(self, subject_message: str) -> str: """ We use a similar logic as Markdown formatting as specified in Microsoft Teams `documentation <>`_. """ return f"**{subject_message}**\n" def send_notification(self, message: str, subject: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Send a notification message to the webhook URL. Args: message (str): The message to send as a notification message to the webhook URL. subject (str): The subject of the notification. If None, the default message 'Python script Teams notification' is used. Note that the subject is formatted, the text is bolded, and a new line is appended after the subject creates a 'title' effect. Default is None. """ subject = subject if subject is not None else self.default_subject_message subject = self._format_subject(subject) message = subject + message self._sending_payload = {"message": message} self._send_notification()
[docs]class DiscordNotificator(Notificator): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ Notificator to send a notification into a Discord channel. Args: webhook_url (str): a webhook URL given by Discord to post content into a channel. See `here <>`_ for more detail. on_error_sleep_time (int): When an error occurs for the sending of a notification, it will wait this time (in seconds) to retry one more time. Default is 120 sec. Example: .. code-block:: python notif = DiscordNotificator(webhook_url="webhook_url") notif.send_notification("The script is finish") """ def __init__(self, webhook_url: str, on_error_sleep_time: int = 120): super().__init__(on_error_sleep_time) if requests is None: raise ImportError("Package request need to be installed to use this class.") self.webhook_url = webhook_url self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} self.default_subject_message = "Python script Discord notification" self._sending_method = def _format_subject(self, subject_message: str) -> str: """ We use Markdown formatting as specified in Discord `documentation <>`_. """ return f"**{subject_message}**\n" def send_notification(self, message: str, subject: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Send a notification message to the webhook URL. Args: message (str): The message to send as a notification message to the webhook URL. subject (str): The subject of the notification. If None, the default message 'Python script Discord notification' is used. Note that the subject is formatted, the text is bolded and a new line is appended after the subject creates a 'title' effect. Default is None. """ subject = subject if subject is not None else self.default_subject_message subject = self._format_subject(subject) payload_message = {"content": subject + message} self._sending_payload = { "url": self.webhook_url, "data": json.dumps(payload_message), "headers": self.headers, } self._send_notification()